Going one step further

Students walking on campus in the fall

Academic Opportunities

No two people are the same—and neither are their educational experiences. What happens in the classroom is important. But sometimes, what happens outside of it—that little extra something you do to make your education solely your own—is just as significant.

Trine encourages you to own your education. Challenge yourself at every opportunity. Your future will thank you.

Take advantage of programs for high school students

Dual Enrollment

Earn high school graduation credit and apply it to your college education by taking classes at Trine University while you're still in high school.

Project Lead the Way

Start out ahead. As a middle school and high school student, you can earn scholarships and credits toward your Trine degree by taking engineering-related classes through this national program.

Enhance your college experience

Honors Program

There's always more to know. Find out what it is in Trine's rigorous honors courses. Students in the program interact inside and outside of class for academic and social activities—and receive priority registration, recognition at graduation, and a leg up on the competition.

Pathways and Guarantees

With a Lifetime Guarantee to a Accelerated Dual Degree or Three Year Full Throttle degree pathways, you choose how you want your academic experience to take shape.

For students interested in legal studies, Trine offers the Legal Education Academic program, which partners with law schools in order to have a shorter, more cost-effective path to a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree.

Study Abroad

Position yourself as a future leader in our global economy by gaining a worldview only firsthand experience can create. At Trine, you can study in more than 30 different countries on six continents for a semester, year, summer, or even during spring break.


Gain leadership skills in Air Force ROTC training classes—and earn scholarships while doing it—through a partnership with the University of Notre Dame.

 Cooperative Education

Immediately use what you learn. You can alternate semesters of classes with semesters of employment related to your field of study. Not only will you graduate with a Trine degree but also at least 45 weeks of field experience.

Summer Session

Perfect for anyone who wants to graduate sooner rather than later, Summer Session enables you to take classes over the summer, accelerate your education, and get that diploma in your hand even sooner.