Office of Human Resources

The HR staff who serve the Trine community are dedicated to providing accurate, compliant, and timely information in an easy to understand format. Our goal is to offer you great service...first time and every time. Applicants, new employees, current employees and managers are encouraged to browse the links below for useful information.
Human Resources is a place where employees are encouraged to speak freely in confidence and find answers to employment related questions. The Human Resource staff is eager to assist you with questions or concerns about employment, benefits, and payroll.
The office of Human Resources is located in Shambaugh Hall, Room 322. Office hours are Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm.
Meet the HR Staff
Assistant Vice President for Human Recources & University Compliance /Title IX Coordinator
Jamie Norton, PHR, SHRM-CP
(260) 665-4847
Director of Human Resources / Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Stephanie George, SHRM-CP
(260) 665-4991
Human Resource Specialist
Taylor Relue
(260) 665-4993