PANCE Performance / Outcomes

Physician Assistant National Certifying Examination (NCCPA) Performance Summary Report

Full report updated annually by April 1st. (Standard A3.12c)
pass rates
Full report (PDF)

NCCPA national five year PANCE Pass rates
Full report (PDF)

For more information on NCCPA and certification standards visit

Program Attrition and Graduation Rate

The program has a total attrition rate of 3% (4 out of 132) over the last 4 class year cohorts. This is well below the national average of 6.8% (PAEA 35th Program Report data published in 2020).

Class of 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
Maximum entering class size (as approved by ARC-PA) 28 32 36 36 36 36
Entering class size 28 32 36 36 36 36
Graduates 27 31 36 34 # #
* Attrition rate 4% 3% 0% 5.5% # #
**Graduation rate 96% 97% 100% 94% # #

*Attrition rate calculation:  Number of students who attrited from cohort divided by the entering class size. 
**Graduation rate:  Number of cohort graduates divided by the entering class size.

Graduation Employment

Current as of November 2023

Cohort Graduated Reported % Employed as PA-C (reported) Unreported Pending Certification
2020 27 26 100% 1 0
2021 30 30 100% 0 0
2022 34 18 100% 13 2

Graduation Employment By State

Current as of November 2023

graduate outcomes data