Additional Resources

*If you or someone you know is feeling depressed or thinking about suicide, please contact the staff of the Office of Residential Life (RA and/or RD) or counseling services 260.665.4172 or contact Campus Safety at 260.316.1877 or Parkview Behavioral Health 24/7 HELPLINE: 260.471.9440.

  • Allen County Dept. Of Health STD Clinic (Ft. Wayne):
    • 4813 New Haven Ave., 260.449.7504
    • The STD Clinic provides free (or minimal cost) and confidential STD testing and treatment. Patients are seen by appointment. Calls are taken starting at 8:00 am to schedule an appointment for the following day. Due to the high demand for appointments, it is best to call 260.449.7504 (as early as possible for your best chance to get an appointment).
  • Positive Resource Connection (Ft. Wayne) 
    • 525 Oxford Street, 260.744.1144, (testing for HIV only, no STD testing)
  • Steuben County Department of Health:
    • 317 S. Wayne St. Suite 3A, 260.668.1000 (ext.1500)
    • Free HIV testing every 1st Wednesday of each month from 9am – noon.
  • Cameron Memorial Community Hospital STI Clinic
  • Trine University Counseling Services:  Student Services Office: 260.665.4172
  • Help with finding local resources:
  • Help with local resources and assistance: :
  • Bowen Center- 200 Hoosier Dr, Angola, IN 46703 (various locations, Ft. Wayne, Warsaw, Huntington) 
  • Northeastern Center: 3265 Intertech Dr., Angola IN 
    • 260-665-9494 or 1.800.790.0118 (Kendallville location: 1930 Dowling St.)
  • Pathway to Clarity: 909 W Maumee St, Angola, IN, 260.665.6543
  • The Santé Group: 603 N. Wayne St. Ste 2A & 2B, Angola (260) 668-8797
  • Bridges Wellness Clinic: 215 N. Martha St., Angola  260.665.7214
  • Parkview Behavioral Health: 1720 Beacon Street , Ft. Wayne 
    • 260.373.7500  or 1.800.284.8439
  • Park Center: 909 E. State Blvd. Ste 100, Ft. Wayne 
    • 260.481.2700 or 260.471.9440
  • Family Counseling Center (Integrative Psychological Services) Auburn: 347 W. 7th St. 46706,
    • 260.925.2017 or 260.665.8538
  • Rape Abuse and Incest National Network:
  • Rape Crisis Hotline: 800-441-4073 (24/7 Rape crisis hotline and safe shelter)
  • National Center for Victims of Crime:
  • Male Survivors:
  • Joyful Heart Foundation:
  • Hazing:
  • Ft. Wayne Sexual Assault Treatment Center:
    • 1420 Kerrway Ct, Fort Wayne, IN 46802
      For Emergencies, contact 260.423.2222
  • Angola Victims Assistance: 260.668.1000 ext.2430
  • Elijah Haven Crisis Intervention Center – (260)463-8700
    24/7 Crisis Line - (260)463-3400

Who is at risk for suicide? People who feel hopeless and helpless regarding changing their situations may be at risk. Most people experience sad or stressful life circumstances before becoming suicidal.

Warning signs that someone may be in danger of suicide:

  • Previous suicide attempt
  • Up to half of the people who kill themselves have previously attempted suicide
  • Talking about death or suicide
  • Direct or indirect statements like, "My family would be better off without me" or "I can't keep going like this".
  • Planning for suicide
  • Watch for behaviors such as:
    • Acquiring the means to commit suicide (buying a gun, stockpiling pills, etc.)
    • Giving away cherished possessions
    • Writing letters saying good-bye

Other risk factors:

  • Depression - most depressed people aren't suicidal but most suicidal people are depressed
  • Substance abuse - escalating substance abuse can trigger feelings of guilt and shame
  • Being male - Men find it harder to ask for help, problems can build
  • Overwhelming anger - wanting to punish others by dying
  • Isolation - this can magnify problems and prevent getting others' feedback
  • Impulsivity - engaging in dangerous behavior

Frequently Asked Questions regarding Suicide:

Q. Is it true that people who threaten suicide won't really go through with it?

A. No. The great majority of people who commit suicide do talk about their intention to kill themselves. Threats may be direct, as in "All I can think about is wanting death" or indirect, such as "At least I won't have to put up with these problems much longer".

Q. Do people who attempt suicide really want to die?

A. Almost everyone who thinks about suicide has mixed feelings about death. They want their problems to end and their pain to stop. Only when they feel no one can help them does death seem like the only solution. Suicide threats can be understood as a plea for help. Hopelessness can wash over people suddenly or take a while to build.

Among college students, 80% of suicides involve the use of alcohol or other drugs.

Q. What if it is not clear that the person is suicidal?

A. Often people are ambivalent-they think suicide might be the answer but they are scared, uncertain and want to live. Sometimes they do not know how to ask for the help they need. They might sound suicidal one moment and deny it the next. If you are trying to help someone in this kind of situation, it can be difficult to know how best to assist them.

Helpful things you can do include:

  • Consider talking to someone else, whom you trust.
  • Call Trine University Counseling Services M-F, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or other mental health professionals for consultation.
  • Tell the person that you want to help, that you are aware of how much they hurt, but you think they need to talk with a professional counselor also.
  • Persuading the person to go for professional assessment and assistance is very important.
  • Call Suicide Prevention Hotline 1.800.273.TALK (8255) or access  

What to do if you think a person might be thinking about suicide:

  • TAKE every threat seriously. If you are not sure what to say, call a professional for consultation.
  • LISTEN carefully. We often worry about what to say to a suicidal person, when we first must listen. Help people talk about how they feel and what's happening in their lives. Be gently persistent, even if people are reluctant to talk. Trust your instincts. Keep asking. Are they thinking clearly about their problems? Do they talk directly or indirectly about death?
  • CONVEY your interest and concern. Ask questions to clarify their problems as this lets the person know you care. Express your feelings and reactions-"your death would hurt so many". Suggest that it is possible to find solutions to their problems. Convey confidence that, with help, solutions other than suicide can be found.
  • Call Suicide Prevention Hotline 1.800.273.TALK (8255) or access  
  • Call 911

Do not be afraid to ask if the person is thinking of suicide. You might say "It sounds like things feel really bad for you right now, so I wonder if you've been thinking about suicide?" Asking this will NOT put the idea in a person's mind, and they may feel relieved you've asked this. If the person admits to suicidal thoughts, ask how they are considering doing it (gun, pills, etc.), when, and how likely they are to follow through with their plan.

Do not argue or say suicide is wrong. This makes the person feel like you don't understand. They may not continue to confide in you. Avoid empty reassurances that "everything will work out". Telling them their problems aren't so bad or that they have "everything to live for" will only increase their feelings of guilt and hopelessness. Remember that you probably can't fully understand their pain or how desperate they feel.

DO involve other people. Encourage the person to tell other concerned or helpful people how he/she is feeling. Let the person know that you may have to tell someone else, too. Never agree to keep their suicidal thinking a secret.

ASK about family. Ask if their family knows how bad they are feeling. Students can be reluctant to burden their family, yet family support can be crucial. Even in troubled families, students are frequently surprised by the level of family understanding and support they receive. Encourage them to call family members.

If the person is in immediate danger:

  • Do not leave them alone.
  • Get others involved such as Campus Safety, RA or their family.
  • Get immediate help at one of the resources below.
  • Don't be afraid to take the person to the emergency room or call 911.

CALL 911 (24 HOURS A DAY) IMMEDIATELY, if the person:

  • Has taken an overdose and refuses to go to the emergency room.
  • Has a gun they won't give up.
  • Is intoxicated and refuses help.
  • Insists on being alone or disappears.

Help is available at:


Cameron Hospital Emergency Dept., 24 Hours 
416 E. Maumee Street   911

Trine University Campus Safety: 260.316.1877

Angola Police: 260.665.2121 or 911

24/7 Parkview Behavioral Health HELPLINE: 260.471.9440


If someone you know commits suicide:

  • Be aware that conflicted feelings (e.g. sorrow and anger) and upsetting thoughts are often a natural reaction to loss by suicide.
  • Talk about your feelings with someone you trust to be supportive.
  • Remind yourself that no matter what happened, you cannot be responsible for someone else's actions. Consider making an appointment with a mental health professional to discuss your feelings.
  • People find solace in different ways through nature, art, spirituality.

Certain things can make the grieving process much more complex and difficult when someone dies by suicide:

  • A romantic relationship with the victim
  • A fight or disagreement before their death
  • Prior knowledge of the suicide plan
  • Guilt about things said or done to the deceased prior to their death
  • Mentioned in a suicidal note
  • Identification with the victim's problems
  • Discovery of the body

Friends or family who have had these experiences should seek professional consultation.

College students and depression

Because of improvements in early diagnosis, good therapy, and improved medicines, more students with depression can succeed in college. However, severe bouts of depression can, as mentioned earlier, be a risk factor for suicide.

It is important to be familiar with indications or symptoms of depression:

  • Loss of interest in work, people, or activities previously enjoyed
  • Withdrawal from people
  • Changes in sleep and/or appetite
  • Sad or tearful mood
  • Fatigue or loss of energy
  • Feeling hopeless or helpless
  • Increased irritability.

Suggesting professional consultation is appropriate if someone shows many of these symptoms over a several day period.

Information provided and supported by Indiana University