2021 Engineering Design Expo

The Allen School of Engineering & Computing works in collaboration with many individuals, companies and organizations who have contributed so much of their time, talent, materials and support to make the Engineering Design Expo an outstanding success.  We are extremely appreciative of our industry sponsors that account for the majority of our total projects.  Despite the recent challenges in our world, we are continuing to grow in our ability to offer innovative research and industry-based projects for our students.

Wade Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

The Wade Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering encompasses the mechanical engineering and mechatronics and robotics engineering majors. Representing the most diverse and general of all the engineering fields, mechanical engineers can be found working in almost any company. Mechanical engineers plan, design, power and direct the manufacture of tools and machines of all types, from roller coasters to rockets. Mechatronics and robotics engineering combines elements of computer engineering, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering to develop automated systems and smart solutions to solve tomorrow’s industry challenges.

Mechanical Engineering

AIAA Design Build Fly Competition
in partnership with
AIAA Design and Build
BAE Mod-Wire
in partnership with
BAE Systems
BAE Mod Wire
Base Utility Vehicle
in partnership with

Base Utility Vehicle Logo
Base Ultility Vehicle Poster 
Combat Robot Combat Robot
Electric Go-Kart Electric Go-Kart
2020 21 Shell Eco Marathon Gas Mark 6
in partnership with
Shell Eco-marathon Logo
Shell Gas Poster
Zero Turn Front Loader
in partnership with
Vestil Manufacturing Logo
Zero Turn Front Loader


Department of Design Engineering Technology

The Department of Design Engineering Technology creates well-rounded students who have integrated application experiences that directly utilize industry-standard equipment in each class, preparing them to immediately contribute upon entering their engineering career. The design engineering technology major prepares students to design products utilizing industry-standard 3D modeling software while generating products that meet customer-driven needs. Plastics engineering technology prepares students to work with plastic, whether creating products or developing reuse or recycling methods, and provides students the ability to succeed in the polymers industry.

Design Engineering Technology

3D Printer Die and Winder

3D Printer Die and Winder
Brake Dynamometer
in partnership with
Asama Coldwater Manufacturing
Brake Dynamometer 
Dock Dolly

Dock Dolly 
Foam Splitter Machine
in partnership with
Sekisui Voltek
Foam Splitter Machine 
Heat & Lift, Wiper Design
in partnership with
Liftable Arm
Heat & Lift, Wiper Design
Integrated Mower/Trimmer Deck Integrated Mower/Trimmer Deck
NASA Rover Team
in partnership with
Nasa Rover Exploration Logo
NASA Rover Poster
Part Stacker
in partnership with
B Walter Co

Part Stacker
Process Automation
in partnership with
WL Molding
Assembly Process Automation
Respirator Mask
in partnership with
Parkview Mirro Center

Respirator Mask
 RV Roof Vent Redesign
in partnership with
RV Roof Vent Redesign 
Steel Wire Handling Tool
in partnership with
Steel Wire Handling Tool
Wind Silo Structure Design
in partnership with
Perpetual Industries
Wind Silo Structure Design


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering encompasses three majors: electrical engineering, computer engineering and software engineering. Depending on their degree program, students may study the transmission of power and signals using electrical energy, the development of custom computing equipment, or the creation of quality computer software. To prepare students for the innovative work required in these areas, students are provided with a foundation in mathematics and science, proper development in communication skills, an understanding of the relevance and impact of engineering and technology on society, and a combination of classroom study and “hands-on” laboratory experience.


McKetta Department of Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering

The McKetta Department of Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering trains students to solve problems within the chemical processes used to manufacture products. These products include the food we eat, the clothes we wear, materials for our homes and cars, our medicines and our health care products. Chemical engineering is an extremely versatile degree that can provide a multitude of career opportunities. In addition to manufacturing, graduates of our program have also become doctors, lawyers and researchers.


Department of Computer and Information Technology

The Department of Computer and Information Technology (CIT) provides a broad-based, sophisticated understanding of information and its technology, including critical areas such as data science, preparing students to enter the workforce ready to add immediate benefit to their chosen organization. In addition to the overall CSIT degree program, the department offers concentrations in cybersecurity, health informatics and web development. 


Jim and Joan Bock Department of Biomedical Engineering

The Jim and Joan Bock Department of Biomedical Engineering integrates the design and problem-solving skills of engineering with medical and biological sciences to advance health care. The program offers students a broad background that includes the engineering school’s proven hands-on approach while more fully integrating basic and healthcare sciences. Due to this interdisciplinary nature and rapidly advancing knowledge in the field of medicine, the biomedical engineering curriculum offers advanced and specialized courses to keep up with current advancements.

Biomedical Engineering

Helping Hands
in partnership with
J.C. Innovations
Helping Hands Poster
Hemostatic Would Bandage for Blood Clotting Deficiencies
in partnership with
INSGC Blaire Biomedical

Hemostatic Wound Bandage 
Hero's Guitar Project
in partnership with
Quality Life+

 Heros Guitar Project
Long Pants Design: RipStop
in partnership with
Quality Life+

Long Pants Design: RipStop
Parkview Repositioning Sling
in partnership with
Parkview Health
Parkview Repositioning Sling
QL+ Fishing Prosthetic Project
in partnership with
Quality Life+BAE Systems
QL+ Fishing Prosthetic Project


Reiners Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

The Reiners Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering prepares students to design, build and maintain safe, reliable civil infrastructure systems that provide for basic societal needs and improve quality of life. These systems include buildings, bridges, tunnels, dams, highways, railways, airports, arenas for sports and music, water supplies, wastewater treatment, flood control and energy production. The program curriculum offers considerable breadth, focusing on each of the five major civil engineering disciplines: structural engineering, geotechnical engineering, transportation engineering, environmental engineering and water resources engineering, while also incorporating concepts in civil engineering materials and construction engineering.